Thursday, February 18, 2010

from a poem in 2004 to the start of a blog in 2010

Winter of 2004


Blessings recognized are blessings multiplied.
Blessings acknowledged are blessings multiplied.
Blessings shared are blessings multiplied.

wish me success in my blogging journey

1 comment:

  1. John
    It has taken me a year to write on this blog.
    Many thanks for such a public forum. You are so good at presenting info fairly and straightforwardly and yet with such a positive outlook...counting all as blessings.
    I do believe that " I am who I am for what I have lived through" and all is good, but indeed much of what we experienced was truly wrong. The blessings I see from it for my experience are that many people experience wrong done to them, many far worse that anything I or we experienced. My experience has made me empathetic and understanding of others..
    Thanks so for you postings.
